Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shhhh.. Somebodies getting married!

Que suspenseful music.. dun dun duuuun. (Is that how you spell Que? Cue- Q, isn't that how you spell the Spanish word for "What"? Well you get the point. I hope. ) No make that- some sort of action movie music.. Okay, play whatever kind of music you want in your head. Whatever puts you in the mood for a secret elopement. I'm not sure how much I'm suppose to say, and not say- so I won't. I'll just talk about this gorgeous bride, and her hair and airbrush makeup.
I met Sarah when she came to my home for a trial. I t was a dark and stormy night, and she was dressed in dark shades, a trench coat and some sort of mafia, Frank Sinatra looking hat. Okay fine, so not really. I think she had some super cute knee high boots. I digress.
So we did her hair trial and all of a sudden she busts out this adorable bird cage veil she found for a steal at an antique store. Be still my heart. I lurve birdcage veils!
So on her actual wedding day, which was a gorgeous Monday morning- we did natural, beachy airbrush makeup and full sexy curls, with her bangs swept back and some to the side. It was an easy day. A. because she's gorgeous as it is, and B. Because she was just so nice. Loved her.
So Sarah, I wish you and Andrew the best!
Now some picture courtesy of the bride and Doberenz Photography.

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