Friday, September 3, 2010


KEGGER Upscale Open House at Vista West Ranch! Come see me and the other Uh-Mazing vendors September 11th from 5-8pm at Vista West Ranch. Seriously check out the flyer below made by the fantastic Aimee Villa. And like the other Villa (Bob Vila, and yes I know, two different last names but go with me on this one) she'll turn your wedding from Drab to Fab.. Or Broke to smokin. Okay. I'm done butchering poor Aimee's name. Something she'd never do your wedding! And something I'd never do to your hair. I now see why "oops, and butcher are two things someone never wants to hear on their wedding day. And especially from their hair stylist.
Come check me out anyway and eat some good food, and have some drinks.. pass out in the super luxurious honeymoon cottage. Whatever.
If you book your wedding at the open house be sure to ask about the super awesome discounts I'll be offering. Book ANNND one of the vendors at the open house and get an even more awesome discount (especially if you book me and VWR)!